Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Foods to Aid the Kidneys to Eliminate Uric Acid Read more:

Uric acid plays a pivotal role in the creation of gout and some kidney stones. It is a byproduct of protein digestion in foods high in purines and is ordinarily excreted by the kidneys. When too much protein is consumed or the kidneys are compromised in any way, uric acid is not fully excreted, remaining in the blood stream. The excess is deposited in the joints, primarily those of the feet and hands, in sharp crystalline form, and in the kidneys. These uric acid crystals are the source of an excruciatingly painful form of arthritis known as gout. There are certain foods you can eat to assist the kidneys in their process of eliminating uric acid to help relieve gout and protect against uric acid kidney stones.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been shown to have an impact on reducing gout symptoms and lowering uric acid content in the kidneys. recommends consuming orange, grape and carrot juices, all high in vitamin C. It also recommends using buffered vitamin C ascorbate supplements to further assist in the excretion of uric acid.

Tart Cherry Juice

Consuming sour cherry juice is an excellent way to reduce uric acid. Touted by some as a miracle cure for gout, this very tart juice is extremely high in potassium and is able to help create an alkaline condition in the body. This neutralizes acids and assists in preventing the formation of uric acid crystals in the kidneys and joints, reports Dr. Theodore A. Baroody in his book "Alkalize or Die."

Fruits and Vegetables

Drinking fruit and vegetable juices helps to keep uric acid crystals diluted and dissolved, assisting the kidneys in their role of eliminate waste, explains

Lemon Juice

Being very high in potassium, lemon juice is an excellent addition to the diet to prevent the formation of uric acid crystals. Low levels of potassium in the blood contribute to the increase of uric acid levels, according to Lemon juice also helps create calcium carbonate which alkalizes the body, causing the system to neutralize acids.

High Fiber Foods

Foods high in fiber like whole grains contribute to the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys when they absorb bile acids, which can stimulate the production of uric acid, reports


Drinking adequate amounts of water helps to keep uric acid diluted and the kidneys are better able to do their job, explains It advises drinking six to eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Organic apple cider vinegar is highly recommended by Dr. Baroody as well as by for its curative effects. Although an acid, it has the ability to alkalize the system by neutralizing acids and helping with the production of bicarbonate from the pancreas during digestion.

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